3 New Year’s Resolutions for 2020

Sunrise, Lake Maumelle, Arkansas

Happy New Year, everyone!

A new year is dawning and with it comes New Year’s resolutions for many people. Resolutions are made to make improvements in one’s life.  This could be to change a bad habit, or it could be to set and achieve a personal goal. For 2020, I have come up with some resolutions to achieve my photography-related goals.

Resolution #1:  Shoot more

This past year, it was not uncommon for me to go weeks without pulling out my camera. In fact, from May until October, my camera never saw the light of day.  I had all sorts of reasons — excuses, really — for why I didn’t do more photography: it was too hot, I was too tired, or one of a hundred other reasons.  

So, in 2020, I am going to make sure to shoot every month.  It won’t have to be anything fancy. I could spend a day at a state park.  It could be walking around and trying to photograph abstract patterns. It could be learning some new photographic skill.  Anything that just puts a camera in my hands and has me tripping that shutter.

Resolution #2:  Slow down and enjoy the process

When I go out for a shoot, I often have a mental list of shots I want to get, and I put pressure on myself to get them.  I’ll arrive at my location and within ten minutes I have set up my tripod and begun shooting. When I don’t get the pictures I was wanting, I get frustrated and put even more pressure on myself.  In the end, all this does is take the fun out of the entire photographic process, and fun is what this is really all about.

This year, I am going to change my approach.  I am going to take David Johnston’s advice in his video to slow down my photography, take my time, and not put pressure on myself to make an image just to check off a box on some mental list.

Instead, when I get to my location, I will take plenty of time to really explore the area and see what opportunities there are.  Only after I have explored my location will I set up my camera and begin photographing. I may not get a lot of images, but, hopefully, the ones I do get will be more artistic and inspirational.

Resolution #3:  Be prepared

I can’t count all the times I have seen an incredible opportunity while out running an errand, but I didn’t have my camera with me to capture it.  Of course, the simple solution to this problem is to keep my camera close by at all times.

So, I am going to have my camera with me at all times.  Whether I am going to work or just making a quick run to the grocery store, I will have my camera with me.  This way, I will always be prepared whenever a great photographic opportunity presents itself.

Bonus Resolution:  Write more

Looking back over the last few years, I’ve noticed a marked lack of posting consistency. Some months, I may write three or four times in one month and then nothing for the next month or two or, perhaps, longer.  I have also tended to post only when I had new photographs to share which has been a significant contributing factor to this lack of posting consistency.

So, my goal for 2020 is to publish at least one blog post every month.  My posts will continue to include some of my latest images with information about how I created the picture and how I processed it to get to the final product.  But, I will also discuss other topics. For example, I may discuss my experience with a new lens or my thoughts on something I read, saw, or heard. No matter the topic, though, it will remain related to photography.

So there you have it.  My photographic resolutions for 2020.  What are your resolutions for the new year?  Let me know in the comments below.

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1 thought on “3 New Year’s Resolutions for 2020”

  1. Pingback: 2020 New Year's Resolution Update: The First 90 Days | Bob Henry Photography

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